Thursday 2 June 2016

Sowing and Harvesting

Prayer is like a seed. You are what you are because of yesterday's prayer, not today's.

The kingdom laws of sowing and harvesting operate in prayer too. I learnt this principle as a young man growing up in the ministry, whereby I always waited to have a preaching engagement before I would pray.
When the preaching engagement would come, I would pray aggressively but I did not see God moving much until the Holy Spirit revealed to me that you are yesterday's seed of prayer is harvested in form of annointing and breakthough today. I am a preacher but the same principle applies for everybody.

We are like the African cheetah which is the fastest animal but has a small heart. If it cannot get its prey within 100 metres, its most likely to lose. We need to pray that God will give us the power to persist in prayer for long hours.

Our prayer must be persistent. Most of us lack the finishing annointing.
Muller prayed for 5 of his friends to get saved. The last of them got saved after 63 years on Muller's burial. During those years, he was seeking God to save his friends. Prayer should never be cut short as if it is a telephone conversation. We are not paying for the airtime to speak to God; it was paid 2000 years ago by Jesus.

The Heaven's Fire Summit of 2016 is a seed in your life and that of your family, ministry and business for the times to come ahead. So let us prepare our hearts and lives for a whole transformation, where prayer will become a seed that we plant as a habit in our lives, to change generations ahead of us.

This teaching on sowing prayer is part of the writings in my book, "The Unbeatable Prayer," which is available on order and at the church premises.

God bless you.

Apostle Julius Suubi.

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